Red Heelaboxers, Pt. 2

They are nearing three weeks old now and they are so cute. Collectively, they’re driving us crazy, but still, they’re cute. I cannot imagine what it’s going to be like with 8 of these little guys running around when they become even more active.

Here’s the bad part. I’m fighting the urge to keep one of them.

I don’t need another dog.

I don’t need another dog.

I don’t need another dog.

I don’t need another dog.

Surely, if I keep repeating it, I’ll begin to believe it.


~ by jb on February 6, 2007.

7 Responses to “Red Heelaboxers, Pt. 2”

  1. dude….I don’t need another dog. I don’t need another dog…

    Great pics…

    Jim H (DWF)

  2. I don’t need a dog either…but awwwwwww, dang they are so cute!!!

  3. Oh my goodness those puppies are just gorgeous 🙂

  4. Hey they are getting color to them!!! So I think I’m goin to call you Sat evening to pay ya and pick up my pic!!! Thanks so much and they are so cute!!! Ya know you’ll keep one of ’em!!!

  5. I’m in love with SPOT!!!!! She was too cute, not to mention, I’m pretty sure we had a connection…. I DON’T need another dog either.

  6. Cari,,, YOU KNOW YOU NEED ONE!!!!

    I think Spot was in love with you too. She actually told me that she’s missing you.


  7. oh my gosh! they are sooo cute!!! i love heelers…they are really smart and sensitive dogs.

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